Water, a precious ally during pregnancy
Water, a precious ally during pregnancy https://pigeskostilata.gr/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/nero-stin-egkymosini-1024x683.jpg 1024 683 sokratis panagiotou https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/e8a29acfc239280e4fc808438f2c010b?s=96&d=mm&r=g
Since even the neonatal age, it is very important for any future mother to care for the proper development of the fetus, as the nine first months of life are the most crucial for proper regeneration of a child’s organism.
Doctors worldwide recommend that a pregnant woman should consume 3lt water daily so as to have a properly hydrated body. That is why, it is essential to choose a water which is suitable both for her and for her baby. Perhaps, of course, you may wonder why water plays such an important role for any future mother not only during pregnancy, but also throughout the duration of breastfeeding. The amniotic fluid, which is essential for the baby’s survival, is composed of 98-99% water, 1% minerals and 1% of organic salts. Furthermore, the fetus swallows about 20ml liquid per hour or 450ml per day.
The main nutrition of a baby for about six months comes from breastfeeding and breast milk, which contains 87,5gr water. The importance of breast milk to the infant feeding is due to its ingredients, as it has a high water content which keep the infant hydrated