The importance of proper daily hydration
The importance of proper daily hydration https://pigeskostilata.gr/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/enidatosi-sti-kathimerinotita-1024x683.jpg 1024 683 sokratis panagiotou https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/e8a29acfc239280e4fc808438f2c010b?s=96&d=mm&r=g
We should not forget how important the daily intake of proper and adequate quantities of water is, especially during childhood. Just think your children’s daily numerous activities: school, play, dance, sports etc. Therefore, we need to teach them to hydrate their body properly as this is a good habit that will accompany them throughout their life.
Each child should consume about 2lt water daily for the correct and proper functioning of the body. In order to “age well” you need to “hydrate well”. Taking care of yourself means that you need to stay well hydrated throughout the day and this will help you feel healthy, full of energy and ready to cope with everyday tasks.
As you know 60% of your body is composed of water, but after the age of 50 the desire for water consumption diminishes. But remember that an adult needs to consume 1,5lt water per day. And what else would be more appropriate than a soft light water, which helps proper digestion and gives energy? None other than the natural mineral water “Kostilata’s Springs Epirus”!