Why do I stand out?

Kostilatas Springs Natural Mineral Water comes directly from natural springs, while the multitude of quality control checkpoints and the dozens of chemical analyses carried out every day make it a top quality water worldwide.

Having an extremely low total hardness (chemical analyses of 2014), Kostilatas Springs Natural Mineral Water contains a considerably low salt concentration, so it can be easily consumed and digested, promoting healthy kidney function and general wellbeing.

The low sodium levels and almost inexistent nitrates are indicative of the water’s superior quality, promoting easy digestion and maintaining normal blood-pressure.

A magical location

Kostilatas Springs are located at the magnificent Athamanian Mountains, the wildest mountain ridge of the Pindos Mountain Range. It is noteworthy that there are over 300 water springs in the district.

Each drop of Kostilatas Springs Natural Mineral Water starts is journey as a snowflake or raindrop, from the peaks of the Athamanian mountains. It follows an underground route, flowing through natural rocky filters and gushing from the spring at an altitude of 1,450m, where the bottling takes place, right at the source.

The natural water journey ensures our water’s consistent high quality, its clarity and pureness, unaffected by human intervention or any pollutants, as it is constantly protected by a fortress of geological layers, further reinforced by the winter ice. Kostilatas Springs Natural Mineral Water is a gift of nature buried in the earth, as precious, clear and pure as a raw diamond. A diamond you can enjoy every day.​

Award-winning water

The award-winning Kostilata Springs natural mineral water won the top distinction from the International Institute of Taste and Quality, for the seventh year in a row, as well as the Diamond Taste Award 2021, which ranks it among the top quality products at an international level.


My journey

I start as a snowflake…

I follow my underground route…

to arrive at state of the art facilities…

…or a raindrop…

…through natural rocky filters…

…and safely reach the bottle right from the source.

Pure and natural. As I am.

My journey

I start as a snowflake…

…or a raindrop…

I follow my underground route…

…through natural rocky filters…

to arrive at state of the art facilities…

…and safely reach the bottle right from the source.

Pure and natural. As I am.

I flow from the source

Kostilatas Springs are located at the magnificent Athamanian Mountains, the wildest mountain ridge of the Pindos Mountain Range, where there are over 300 water springs. From there I start my journey until I reach my spring, at an altitude of 1,450m, where I am bottled, in a state-of-the art production line. Thanks to my exclusively underground origin as well as the prohibition of polluting activities in the area of my source, I flow protected within a fortress of geological layers reinforced by winter ice. Thus, I remain a superior quality water, perfectly clear, natural and unaffected by any human intervention. I am a diamond in the rough, a gift of nature that you can enjoy every day.

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